Current Issue

Dear readers,
The thought that has been on my mind during the entire process of preparing this issue of MEBM, can be best explained by a famous qoute from Confucius: „It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop“. Two years have passed since the last issue of MEBM was published, and in those two years the world has faced one crisis after another, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has irrevocably changed both the global landscape as well as our individual outlooks. This year we have witnessed with sadness and fear even more dramatic events, followed by images and stories which should not have a place in a modern world. So, maintaining some semblance of our normal lives, which, as scientists include sharing the data obtained by our research, has become even more important.
And therefore, thanks to the perseverance, patience, enthusiasm and focus of my colleagues in the MEBM team, the new issue of MEBM is before you. I hope that you will find the articles within of interest and I encourage you to become actively involved in the preparation of the next issue.
With the hope that the new 2023 will bring love, peace, joy and stability, I wish you all a joyous holidays season.
Zorana Grubic